Criterion Wise Metrics

Criterion-II: Teaching- Learning and Evaluation (350)

Key Indicator


2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile (40)


Metric No

Curricular Planning & Implementation


2.1.1. Average Enrolment percentage (Average of last five years) Number of students admitted year wise during last five years Number of sanctioned seats year wise during last five years


Sanctioned student strength as approved by the University


Student admission list published


Enrolment Ratio (Average of Last five years) based on Data Template (upload the document)

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2.1.2 Average percentage of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories (SC, ST, OBC, Divyangjan, etc. as per applicable reservation policy during the last five years

(Exclusive of supernumerary seats) Number of actual students admitted from the reserved categories year wise during last five years


Number of SC, ST and OBC students admitted against the reserved seats


Any other relevant document


Data as per Data template




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Key Indicator


2.2 Catering to Student Diversity (50)






















Metric No

Curriculum Planning & Implementation


2.2.1 The institution assesses the learning levels of the students and organizes special Programmers/ have policies in place for different levels of learners

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2.2.2 Student- Full time teacher ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)


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Key Indicator


2.3 Teaching- Learning Process (50)


Metric No

Curriculum Planning & Implementation


2.3.1 Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning peer learning, team teaching, case law method and problem-solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences


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2.3.2 Teachers use ICT enabled tools for effective teaching-learning process.




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Provide link for webpage describing the ICT enabled tools for

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2.3.3 Ratio of faculty mentor to students for academic and other related issues (Data for the latest completed academic year ) Number of mentors assigned   to students for academic and other related issues




Circulars pertaining to assigning the mentors to mentees


Mentor diary and progress made


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2.3.4 Ratio of Student to students mentoring for academic and other related issues (Data to be provided only for the latest completed academic year) Number of Student mentors/teaching assistant identified for student-to student mentoring



Official Proceeding of Student Council selecting the student mentors or Minutes of the relevant Faculty Meeting/ BOS/Academic Review Committee meeting and subsequent Academic Council Meeting identifying the student mentors or teaching assistants for mentoring students

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Key Indicator


2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality (60)


Metric No

Curriculum Planning & Implementation


2.4.1 Average percentage of full time teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five years


Year-wise full time teachers and sanctioned posts for 5 years (Data Template)


Any additional information

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2.4.2. Average percentage of full-time teachers with Ph. D. / LL. D during the last five years

(Consider only highest degree for count) Number of full-time teachers with Ph.D./LL. D year-wise during the last five years


PhD/LLD Degree certificates of the faculty


Any additional information


List of full-time teachers with Ph.D./LL.D. and number of full-time teachers for 5 years (Data Template)


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2.4.3 Average teaching experience of full time teachers (Data for the latest completed academic year in number of years) Total experience of full-time teachers


Any additional information


Teaching experience as certified by the head of the institution

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2.4.4 Measures taken by the institution for faculty retention


Policy measure taken by the institution to combat faculty attrition and to retain experienced and quality faculty.

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Key Indicator


2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms (30)


Metric No

Curriculum Planning & Implementation


2.5.1 Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency, mode and innovation introduced in the internal evaluation

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Link for additional information

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2.5.2 Mechanism to deal with internal examination related grievances is transparent, time- bound and efficient


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Key Indicator


2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcome (60)


Metric No

Curriculum Planning & Implementation


2.6.1 Teachers and students are aware of the stated Programmer and course outcomes of the programmers offered by the institution.

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Upload COs for all courses (exemplars from Glossary)

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2.6.2 Attainment of Programmer outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution.


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2.6.3 Average pass percentage of Students during last five years Total number of final year students who passed the examination conducted by Institution Total number of final year students who appeared for the examination conducted by Institution


Upload list of programmers and number of students passed and appeared in the final year examination (Data Template)


Upload any additional information Provide link for the annual report

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Key Indicator


2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey (60)

Metric No

Curriculum Planning & Implementation


2.7.1 Online student satisfaction survey regarding to teaching learning process.

(Online survey to be conducted)


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Upload database of all currently enrolled students (Data Template)

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