Senior Under Officer Miss. Akansha Asnare will represent India

The National Student Army has gone and even earlier Akanksha has made the reputation of Amravati at state and national levels held annually under the Youth Exchange Program this special from Bangladesh.  According to the invitation received, Akanksha Asanare, a student of the local Vidyabharati College and Senior Under Officer of 4 Maharashtra Girls Battalion, has been selected.  The program was organized in Bangladesh between 12th December to 23rd December and she is the only female cadet from Maharashtra state to be selected in Chhatra Sena force representing India.  Akanksha’s choice made Ambangari Amravati lose its reputation

Bangladesh announced on December 16 that she will attend the Victory Day program as a cadet of the Rashtriya Vidyarthi Sena.  Local Dr.  Punjabrao Deshmukh is a final year student of Vidhi from Vidhi and will leave for Delhi in December.  Yashacharya 4 Battalion of Maharashtra has been congratulated by the principal and teachers of Pakistan, Satya.  Akanksha Asnare is Avinash Asnare Muslim Male of Amravati University..

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