Rookie Moot Court

Rookie Moot Court


Rookie is one of the most exciting activities organized for the first year law students as a part of training and induction to newly admitted students.  At the preliminary stage, the MCA organizes Intra- Moot Court Competition- Rookie for First year Students, wherein the concept of Moot Court is introduced to the students.  The proceedings in a moot court mirror real-life court proceedings. The purpose of the activity is to help first year students to understand how real courts work and their proper code of conduct, the importance of dress code and the use of formal language. Mooting is a great way to develop student’s confidence, speaking, writing skills and research acumen. Through Rookie an attempt is made to inculcate these skills at an initial stage.  Participating in moot courts is great for budding advocates as it gives them a chance to network and work with their future competitions. 

Importance of Rookie

Rookie has become law culture of the Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh College of law.  It has been observed that Rookie helps First year students

  • To engage and understand legal issues.
  • To analyze legal topics and work on its research. 
  • To work in teams and learn from their teammates.
  • To recognize own potentials as a budding lawyer
  • To reveal their advocacy skills and legal skills.
  • To improve their confidence and speaking skills.
  • To learn from peers and develop debating skills.

Rookie is intellectually rewarding and stimulating for the first year students.  It aims to develop fine mooting skills like eloquence, Art of spontaneous debate, Honesty in arguments, Preparation for arguments, Art of persuasion, Efficacy of words, Creativity, Critical thinking, Research skills, Organization, Communication.  These activities allow the students to apply their theoretical knowledge to actual world situations and develop practical skills that are essential for their professional development.

As a practice, teacher mentors and senior student mentors are allotted to the first year students, further Moot problem is circulated amongst them. Every year this competition is organized before the end of even semesters. These students who participate in Rookie are then allowed to join MCA.



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